Cole West

Duty tends not to call upon us at a moment of our convenience. Cole West has been training his whole life, and yet when that fateful moment finally knocks on his door, he’s filled with nothing but uncertainty. How do you fight an enemy that wears no uniform? How do you defend against weapons you can’t see? What lines are you willing to cross to stop them, and who are you willing to become? These are the questions West will be faced with in the world of Black Spear, but only after he answers the first one: “Are you in?”


As cold and unyielding as steel; as pragmatic and unattached as a chess master. Those who’ve met the man at the center of Black Spear wouldn’t make the mistake of describing Rourke as friendly, and if those same people knew the lengths he would go to in order to protect his country they wouldn’t even call him a “good” man either. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When America’s enemies wish to wage wars from the shadows, Rourke is the reaction.

abraham jackson, “jax”

Thomas Jefferson once wrote about how the tree of liberty needed to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots. Well, there are some men who feel the patriots have bled more than enough for too many years, and that it’s high time the politicians and bureaucrats learned what it felt like. Jax is such a man. With a private army of likeminded soldiers at his command, Jax is more than ready to water the tree with an ocean of blood.